Recycling – Can be a Business!

Enterprise Seychelles Agency organized a three-day training on recycling with a group of participants from Wednesday 25th to Friday 27th November, 2020 at SIDOL at Mont Fleuri. The training was aimed at engaging more entrepreneurs into sustainable entrepreneurship.

The objective was to create awareness on managing domestic waste and to re-purpose things in a creative way and maybe commercialization of the recycled products. The topics focused on recycling of the household waste and knowledge about artisanal plastic waste transformation and circular economy. The topics also included recycling of paper, such as newspapers into jewelry. Apart from households, other wastes such as from retail or wholesale businesses, as well as dumpsites for garages; recycling of old car tyres and from the environment itself, are all tools that can be re-used and turned into a commercial product. The Chief Executive of ESA urged the participants to come out of this training with a vision to either venture into a new business or remodel their existing business to more sustainable practices. It was added that, ‘recycling can become an industry on its own if there is the right push and right practices being adopted’.

The participants enjoyed the tree-day course and looks forward to its continuity next year. Some of the trainings will also be virtual whereby more people can benefit at their own leisure.