ESA Presents the Waterfront Development Project with Ex-Children Playground Tenants

A meeting was held on Tuesday 26th July 2022 at the STC Conference Room to present the new Waterfront Development project to the tenants of ESA who are located at the Ex-Children’s Playground. The aim of the meeting was to apprise them of the development project and discuss the way forward. The tenants were also given the opportunity to see where they fit in the project and how they can participate in the development.

In attendance at the meeting was Minister Devika Vidot, the Minister for Investment, Entrepreneurship and Industry, Ms. Angelic Appoo, the CEO of ESA, Mrs. Muriel Morgan, the Principal Secretary for Lands Department, Ms. Anne Rosette, the CEO of SIB and Ms. Lydia Charlie representing the Office of the Mayor.

The tenants had the opportunity to ask questions and provide suggestions on how to better conceptualize the project.