ESA Presents the Seed Capital Grant Scheme to Childminders

Representatives from the Enterprise Seychelles Agency delivered a presentation on the Seed Capital Grant Scheme to a group of Childminders on Saturday 7th March, 2020 at the STC Conference Room. ESA was invited by the Institute for Early Childhood Development further to a request to learn more about the Scheme and how the Childminders can also benefit.

Ms. Malanie Sinon, the Project Officer for the Grant delivered the presentation which highlighted teh following points:

  1. The objectives of the grant
  2. How to apply
  3. What are the criteria that must be met in order to qualify.

Her presentation was followed by a brief introduction by the CEO of ESA, Ms. Angelic Appoo on the other types of services that ESA can offer and the types of training that the Agency can assist with.